Thursday, December 27, 2007

Gifts for your triathlete...

Since this is the holiday season, what better time then to think about what to get the tri-guy or gal in your life. I really hadn't thought to much about this until I received some Xmas presents of my own. In the spirit of the season I would like to make some recommendations.

Of course, for most triathletes the ultimate gift would be a new bike. Now, I am not suggesting you all run out and get yourself, or someone you know/love/care about, a new bike. But if you can afford it, I highly recommend it! My wife got a new steed right before Xmas and I am already having bike envy. Her bright sparkling, super light weight Serotta carbon Attack with Dura Ace groupo, Mavic Ksyrium Elite wheels, and carbon bars is making me lust for a new bike on a daily basis. Since that will be too expensive for most folks let me suggest some other alternatives.

Since winter traps most of us indoors for an inordinate amount of time think about getting your tri-person a few Spinervals! These DVDs will take the monotony out of spending time on your indoor trainer plus give you a program to follow instead of mindlessly focusing on re-runs of Mork and Mindy.

So much for the practical gifts..... The best gift I got this year was totally unexpected and completely geeky (kudos to my wife for this one). As a triathlete I am always looking for feedback to inform me of how my training is progressing. I have a body fat monitor scale, numerous cycling computers (wired and wireless, with and without cadence), a number or heart rate monitors, I had a GPS device for running but lost it (damn...), you get the idea. But now I have the ultimate feedback device the HydraCoach! It's a fancy-smancy water bottle that keeps track of how much water (or anything else in the bottle I guess) that I consume in a 24 hour period. You start by telling the bottle how much you weigh, your sex and it gives you a hydration goal in ounces per 24 hours. You can alter the amount higher or lower, depending on your personal preference. For my 180 lbs. the HydraCoach suggested 90 oz per day. You then start the clock and it keeps track of how many ounces you drink, the percentage toward your goal, ounces per hour stuff like that. Too cool! You can stop or reset the timer whenever you feel like it. After 24 hours the clock stops and tells you how you did, pretty interesting. Now you may be asking yourself is this really necessary, well of course not, but if I'm not the best hydrated athlete on April 27th I can't blame HydraCoach or my wife.......

Happy Holidays....
and keep training........

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