Monday, August 18, 2008

Focus, focus, focus

Last week was one of my best training weeks of the year. Not withstanding that I haven't swam a lap in 2 weeks, my running was solid and my cycling was, well FUN! For only the second week in my training I actually completed my prescribed run training to the letter. No missed workouts, no dialing down the intensity. Just followed my training to the letter. As I enter the last 4 weeks until my 1/2 marathon I am feeling stronger and stronger. My running as improved greatly, and I am even starting to feel like my sub 8 minute miles may be returning to me (hopefully for good).

I had started to ponder the eventuality of losing fitness due to age. Then I chanced across this weeks Washington Post magazine which told the story of two African-American brothers ages 84 and 89 who were competing in the Senior Olympics. These guys have been swimming for 50 years or so and apparently have no plans of stopping! I figured if these guys can keep going then I have no excuses. That, coupled with the fact I went on a 50+ mile ride and ended up being the YOUNGEST rider, made me feel I have a long happy athletic career ahead of me.

On October 4th the 12th annual Becca's Run 5k takes place in my Woodmoor neighborhood. The start is up the block (literally) from my house and I have made it a tradition of hosting a post run coffee and donut party (donuts from the FABULOUS Woodmoor bakery) at my house. All are welcome, all you have to do is trudge the 3.1 miles and RSVP with the number of donuts you wish to eat. Showers are available as well. Please arrive early if you do attend as the streets are closed off to accommodate the race.

Coming soon to Tri-ing Times Ahead.... Calculators!

Ever wonder how fast you need to go to say finish that 12 mile ride in 40 minutes? This is the type of thing I ponder all the time before races. So to make that a little easier for me and all those involved, Tri-ing Times Ahead will be adding calculator gadgets for swimming, running and cycling in the not to distant future. I hope you find this helpful the next time you need to calculate your next 40k time trial (or 5k run, or well you get the picture).

Random Thoughts....

Summer seems like a great time to plan your winter schedule so I am planning a few winter indoor training sessions. Trainers provided but you need to bring your own bike...... My wife made me a deal the other day, if I could get ride of three bikes, I could get a new one. Well 1 bike is gone, another I have a buyer for so 1 to go..... Now I just have to figure out what other bike I want. Of course these are the types of problems I like to have........

Peace and keep training.....


1 comment:

Miguel said...

I read that report about the the two old dudes. I want to be like them too.

Don't worry about the age thing. Look at Dara Torres and now Lance Armstrong coming back.

That is the beauty of the age groups. We can always be competitive.