Tuesday, February 26, 2008

No time for.. blogging.....

I must confess I have been deficient in my blogging, but for good reason; I have been training! I have been able to get very consistent with my training and now with a little over 8 weeks to go, I am starting to feel good about my fitness. My weight has dropped (I'm down 6 and a half pounds since early January), my running has gotten stronger and even my abysmal swimming seems to be improving. Make no mistake however, I am still dreading that mile swim.

I have started my 2-a-days (meaning two workouts in one day) and I have begun to feel some of the fatigue I anticipate in Tampa in April. This is good though, because at least I'll be prepared for it. Last night in my swim class, my legs were dead from running and it really showed, my 600 yard time was a minute and a half slower than my previous best. I have been gradually increasing my long swims until eventually, I'll be up to 1650 yards in the pool. Hopefully by then I'll start to feel confident.

The weather in Maryland has started to cooperate and I am now able to do my runs outside; stationary training is VERY, VERY boring as I'm sure anyone training during this part of the year must know. I was speaking with another triathlete at the gym who does Ironman distance races and he told me he does 2 to 3 hours on the treadmill to prepare for early season Ironmans (Ironmen????). I would have to be committed to even run 45 minutes on one of those things.

On the bike I have been keeping my spin classes going and also using my new indoor trainer, the Travel Trac by Real Axiom. I promise a full review in an upcoming blog. The trainer has actually kept me working really hard on the bike and I feel I have my best January fitness in years. I even took the radical step or renewing my USCF (United States Cycling Federation) license and planning some road races to get the competitive juices flowing. I am looking forward to a strong start to the season.

Good luck to everyone out there and....

keep training :-)


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