Wednesday, January 9, 2008

More Tri-ing Times...

Hey Everyone,

I know the last few blogs have been off the training topic a bit, but that's how life is sometimes. Just today I found out one of my training buddies, Duston, is off to Iraq. So I wanted to take this time to wish him safe travels as he goes to sacrifice way more than I can imagine. I wanted to give him my gratitude and wish him and his wife good fortune as he embarks on his perilous journey. While he's away I can stand losing a good training partner, but I can't imagine losing a good friend. Safe travels Duston, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

While I eagerly await Duston's arrival back on home soil,I thought about the importance of having a good training partner. I've had a number over the years and I have to admit each one brought out something different in me. Some made me work harder, some made me rest when I wanted to hammer and still others instilled in me there are times when a bike or a run is just good therapy for what ails you. So that's my advice for this week, go find a good training partner. Someone you can hang with, someone who'll push you, someone who will just make sure you get to your workout. Whatever you need somewhere out there is a partner waiting to fulfill that need.

On that note, I wanted to say a cheerful G'day! to my old training partner and Aussie Alain, who I spoke with on New Year's eve. Alain departed for sunny California about 2 years ago and I miss his enthusiasm and insanity everytime I get on the bike. I MISS YA MAN !!!! Come back to the east coast and let's do an event together!



1 comment:

Lisa J said...

Ack! A partner? Someone else to whom I would be accountable? Hmmm....I don't know...

On a side note, see you at swimming tonight.