Sunday, January 27, 2008

3 months, time to get serious...

Well my calendar says I've got 91 days left until race day. Now that I have some solid training behind me and I'm starting to gain just a tad of confidence, I'm starting to actually set some goals for the race. For me it's not enough to just finish the race. Since I know I have the base fitness to complete the race, I want to strive for something more; I would like to finish in under 3 hours.

To accomplish this feat I first need to accurately assess where my fitness is now and how much I can/must improve over the next 91 days. To that end I have scheduled tests (i.e time trials) in two sports for the upcoming weekend. I intend to do a series of 3 mile time trials on the my newly configured Kestrel. I tested myself on a particular stretch of rode about 4 months ago when I was preparing for a duathlon so I have a good idea what kind of time I should be capable of. I suspect I will be a bit slower due to a decrease in saddle time and some adjustment to the new bike, but I know I will improve once the weather cooperates and warms up. After all the bike is my string sport.

More of confidence builder for me will be my 300 yard time trials in the pool. I need to get an idea of where my swimming workouts have gotten me so far. I plan to repeat these test every 3 -4 weeks to gauge progress and fitness. I plan to do my running time trial next week. Running fast for me is bit more mentally challenging then the other two sports so I try to set it apart so I can concentrate on just that workout for the week.

I had my first long (for me anyway) run today. I actually felt pretty good. While swimming is the sport I have the least confidence about, running is by far the sport it takes me the longest to feel comfortable with (I guess it's that whole weight bearing thing). So far though, I have felt pretty good and since I seem to be staying close to an 8 minute mile in training I'm hoping for some good times in the next few weeks.

While I haven't really started practicing, in the back of my mind are those dreaded transitions. I have already been sold on lock laces to speed up my previously snail-ish bike to run transition. I also plan to invest in a healthy supply of Body-Glide to get that damn wetsuit off (provided of course I get to use it).

Other random thoughts:

I need a training partner, this training alone stuff can get lonely......
Lifting has really helped.... I should keep this stuff up.....
Can vegan cake be considered good nutrition? I had the best cookies and cream vegan cake the other day (please say yes....)
My wife is great but why won't she ride her bike in the cold????

Peace and good training...


Friday, January 18, 2008

100 days and counting....

Well there you have it ladies and gentlemen. Just 100 days to go. 100 days never seemed so short. After battling some adversity the first week or so of the year, not to mention a bad cold, I have had 2 solid weeks of training. I am happy with my progress in the pool, many thanks to the swim instructors at Montgomery aquatic center for the pointers, and my running is starting to come along. Since I had some time and some money, I took my 18 year old Kestrel (the original all carbon fiber bike I might add...) and added some time trial bars, aero bars, aero brake levers and created a time trial machine! I took it out for it's inaugural ride last Saturday and it felt pretty good. I need to tweak my riding position a bit, but other than that it should be good to go for April. No more standard rode bike for time trials!

Speaking of April, how do I know today leaves me exactly 100 days before the race? Well I stumbled upon the Polar personal trainer website. This website lets you track your workouts, heart rate related stats, fitness measure and, to some extent, your events. What makes the site even better is its FREE! Just go to site and register, enter some personal profile information and you are ready to use the site. You can even register your Polar heart rate monitor (which I highly recommend) if you have one . The site will also devise a program for you based on the information you provide. While not a foolproof way to plan your training, it will at least point you in the right direction. One limitation I found with the site is you can only enter 1 event. It would be nice to be able to enter your entire racing program, but I guess you can't have everything.

In my attempt to keep work from derailing my training, I have joined the free gym in my building. At least now on days I need to stay late, I can hit the treadmill and/or the weights at lunch or in the evening. This strategy has already paid dividends as deadlines approach. Although I don't exactly look forward to the treadmill, it sure beats running in the rain, snow, sleet and cold the area has been getting lately. I hope everyone else's training has taken a turn for the better so I leave you with this thought: Great fitness is just around the bend....


and keep training....


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

More Tri-ing Times...

Hey Everyone,

I know the last few blogs have been off the training topic a bit, but that's how life is sometimes. Just today I found out one of my training buddies, Duston, is off to Iraq. So I wanted to take this time to wish him safe travels as he goes to sacrifice way more than I can imagine. I wanted to give him my gratitude and wish him and his wife good fortune as he embarks on his perilous journey. While he's away I can stand losing a good training partner, but I can't imagine losing a good friend. Safe travels Duston, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

While I eagerly await Duston's arrival back on home soil,I thought about the importance of having a good training partner. I've had a number over the years and I have to admit each one brought out something different in me. Some made me work harder, some made me rest when I wanted to hammer and still others instilled in me there are times when a bike or a run is just good therapy for what ails you. So that's my advice for this week, go find a good training partner. Someone you can hang with, someone who'll push you, someone who will just make sure you get to your workout. Whatever you need somewhere out there is a partner waiting to fulfill that need.

On that note, I wanted to say a cheerful G'day! to my old training partner and Aussie Alain, who I spoke with on New Year's eve. Alain departed for sunny California about 2 years ago and I miss his enthusiasm and insanity everytime I get on the bike. I MISS YA MAN !!!! Come back to the east coast and let's do an event together!



Sunday, January 6, 2008

Start the new year, by looking back...

With 2008 well under way I was contemplating how this year would be different. How much better my training would be, how much better I would eat, etc. All those thoughts led me back to thinking about 2007.

Last year was a tough one for myself and my family. In the space of one weekend I lost my best friend and my sister to various ailments. In October my dog lost a long battle with kidney failure and just recently my wife's mom died and my father was diagnosed with cancer. What does this have to do with training you may ask? It shows how trivial our training can be when compared with the much tougher job of living life. I know for a fact that anytime I start to suffer even a little while training or racing, I can draw great strength from remembering how my sister fought cancer for 7 long years. I know that any pain I may be feeling is trivial compared to what she went through and what's more, I can stop it any time I wish. She rarely had that choice. I can also feel a certain amount of joy that my lifestyle has up to now allowed me to enjoy great health. As I've watched many friends and family struggle with cancer and diabetes, I have had the great fortune to be relatively healthy. Many times I have tried to cautiously persuade those close to me about the great benefits a healthy lifestyle can bring, but everyone must choice their own path. As I reflect on these things I try to also keep in mind that those close to me are also trying to break me of my own bad habits and I resolve to be more diligent about listening to their advice. With these thoughts in mind I intend to dedicate the 2008 season to all those that we lost prematurely in 2007.

So for Sis, Steve, Chrissy, and Joyce I'm gonna do my best to improve and honor your memories. I remember you all and I miss you all greatly.

Peace & Love
and keep training.........